"Slave chains" again on the stage of Toraighyrov University.

The heads of large agricultural enterprises of Pavlodar region gathered at a round table in Toraighyrov University.

Memory connects generations. The scientific community of the city, representatives of the Council of Veterans, the military, students and schoolchildren laid flowers at the bust of Hero of the Soviet Union Kanash Kamzin. The event was timed to the 75th anniversary of the Victory and the 100th anniversary of the birth of our countryman.

Магистранты Toraighyrov University презентовали инновационные продукты на всероссийском научном конкурсе в Алтайском государственном техническом университете имени И. И. Ползунова.

Благодаря лидерам дебатного клуба «President» Toraighyrov University, которые организовали городской турнир «Жалынды жастар», в жарких дебатах столкнулись студенты университетов и колледжей региона.

Three teams-representatives of Toraighyrov University, Pavlodar College of Service and Nutrition and Technological College fought in an unusual Olympiad - “Traditional cuisine of nomads”.

The most popular direction of the festival of ideas in the field of social entrepreneurship, which was held in Almaty, is ecology.

800 students, schoolchildren and young entrepreneurs shared their understanding of how to improve the world around them.

Do you freeze in the winter, and the heater is expensive? Rustam Kabden and the Toraighyrov University team proposed to manufacture such a device, which serves both as an extract and a heater. The invention was called "InFlux". Now you can save 50% on heating costs.

“I have a medical education, worked in the field of building materials. The problem of air in the regions of Kazakhstan is the most acute at the moment, and through the implementation of InFlux we believe that we can really improve the quality of life of the population”, said Business Assistant International Startup Academy and Head of Enactus Project R. Cabden.

The list of winners included such projects as the production of paper from foliage, an inclusive theater for the social adaptation of children with disabilities.

Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages of Toraighyrov University Makhkhabat Baitemirova had three weeks of intensive training in the United States of America.

A new educational laboratory of veterinary medicine was opened on the basis of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.

20 teachers of Pavlodar region presented their projects to improve the teaching of STEM subjects in English.