A meeting of graduates of the preparatory department of the Foundation faculty for foreign students was celebrated with a festive concert.

Торжественное подписание соглашения между ректоратом Toraighyrov University и филиалом Павлодарской областной организации казахстанского отраслевого профессионального союза работников образования и науки стало одним из запоминающихся событий уходящего года.

В предметной неделе, которую ежегодно проводит кафедра иностранных языков, приняли участие студенты неязыковых специальностей университета.

Aslan Azerbayev, PhD, presented the book “Ontological unity of morality and politics in philosophy of Al-Farabi”, which became a real revelation.

A volleyball tournament among faculty and university staff ended at Toraighyrov University.

The evening of poetry “Dunie-duman, dunie-sher ...” gathered connoisseurs of creativity of the writer and poetess Onash Mazhitova. The organizers of the meeting are activists of the "Murager" association.

Hit the mark? No problem. Vice-rectors of Toraighyrov University have tried a new complex of weapons training "Strelets-3". The results exceeded all expectations - sniper skill and accurate hit.

Vera Kim, the head of the coordinating agency for the youth corps development project, spoke about social entrepreneurship, the year of volunteers and grants for a dream at a meeting with students of Toraighyrov University.

Конкурс проводился по 8 факультетам, по одному - конкурс не состоялся. Так, из 19 кандидатов выбраны 7 деканов.

Master classes in the framework of a pilot project of NCE RK "Atameken" and MES RK were held at Toraighyrov University.