Deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. Magerramov and N. Mikaelyan visited Toraighyrov University.

ToU entered the international ranking of the most environmental friendly educational institutions in the world, taking 302nd place. Among domestic universities, ToU took an honorable second place, losingvto Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

По итогам заседания Аккредитационного совета независимого агентства по обеспечению качества в образовании (НАОКО) было вынесено решение аккредитовать сроком на 5 лет 33 образовательные программы.

Competing with colleagues from all over Kazakhstan, six professors at Toraighyrov University won the “Best University Teacher” 2019 competition.

The commission, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Berdibek Saparbayev, Chairperson of the Senate of the Parliament Dariga Nazarbayeva and other prominent government and public figures, recommended Meiram Mukhametrakhimovich Begentayev to be appointed for a rector of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

In two buildings, the "La vie Dobro" volunteers held a charity fair, gathering 90,000 tenge.

УМО по программе подготовительного отделения казахской диаспоры закрепляется за Toraighyrov University.

Sabit Karayev, under the supervision of a senior lecturer at the Information Technology department, Sergei Talipov, developed the PSU Exams mobile application.

At Toraighyrov University, a two-day Startup Weekend for school students has ended.

On a quiet Sunday evening, Rorschach, Georgie, Carnelia, Charadeika and other characters appeared in the corridors of Toraighyrov University.