NCE "Atameken" together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducted an independent evaluation of the educational programs of Kazakhstan universities. Experts evaluated how the quality of training meets the needs of the business.

Since this year, Toraighyrov University introduced blind assessment of exam papers through encryption and verification by external experts. On December 19, 1438 students passed the exam according to the new method.

The opening ceremony was attended by judges, veterans of the judicial system, mediators, deputies of the Pavlodar regional maslikhat, representatives of the Trade Union Center of the region, faculty, student deans and students.

The end of the year is always rich in achievements. In the livestock industry, "Pobeda" LLP achieved high results, for the year of reaching an average milk yield of 6000 liters per cow.

The examination period is coming, the results of the midterm examination have been summed up, so it's time to take a break and play, especially since the new geotactic game “To save Dosik” has become the corporate game.

On the eve of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a gala concert was held at Toraighyrov University.

Первый руководитель Toraighyrov University Мейрам Бегентаев отчитался перед ППС и сотрудниками университета.

Ярмарка вакансий для студентов технического профиля прошла в Toraighyrov University.

The National Basketball Student League was held at Toraighyrov University. Teams of girls and boys from two universities PSPU and ToU fought with each other.

Студенты и магистранты Toraighyrov University и Софийского университета Св. Климента Охридского провели совместную онлайн конференцию, обсудив современные проблемы глобализирующегося мира.