40 hours, associate professor of the Department of Law Bulat Olzhabayev and professor Serik Bastemiyev lectured for colleagues from Siberian Institute of Management.

Professor Raisa Mukhametzharovna Mustafina is celebrating her anniversary today.

At the regional summit "Volunteer-2020+" the participating teams generated ideas, discussed the problems of volunteering, and also outlined plans and new directions for projects.

Словами «Ни пуха, ни пера» Айдар Жадрин дал старт началу игры. И понеслось. 6 команд, 3 стендапера.

Toraighyrov University joined the republican campaign "Menin Tuym! Menin Otanym!"

The chairperson of the Republican movement of the public fund "Kazakhstan League Volunteers" Aisulu Yerniyazova invited students of Toraighyrov University to become full members of the league.

В этом году 205 лет исполнилось со дня рождения Михаила Лермонтова. Пройти это событие стороной филологи посчитали недопустимым и организовали конкурс чтецов.

Scientists of Toraighyrov University visited the 16th Interregional Cooperation Forum between Kazakhstan and Russia, which is taking place in Omsk these days.

Workshop on the development of creative thinking for project managers.

The sensational editions by Steve Jobs, Nick Vujicic Anthony Robbins, Maxim Ilyakhov and others are now within easy reach.