Students of the Department of Architecture and Design presented their work at the vernissage at PSU - the result of the autumn plein-air.

PSU political experts conducted a master class “Fundamentals of the theory and practice of political process management” for leaders and representatives of the regional branch of the "Nur Otan" party.

Pupils and college students of Pavlodar visited PSU.

Students appreciated the gastronomic specialties of the deans and identified the first #as_bolsyn_challenge semi-finalists.

How to survive in a world of endless darkness? Everyone could envy the energy and optimism of the readers of the regional special library for the blind and visually impaired that day.

Супер-герои популярного Comic con встретились на посвящении студентов в ПГУ. Узнать студентов в образах персонажей нашумевших фильмов комиксов, аниме и манга было не так уж и просто.

Биыл қазақ әдебиетінің айтулы тұлғасы, классик жазушы, аудармашы, драматург, Алаш арысы, жерлесіміз Жүсіпбек Аймауытовтың туғанына – 130 жыл толып отыр. Тау тұлғаның есімін ұлықтау мақсатында Баянауылдағы Ж.Аймауытовтың кіндік қаны тамған ауылда бірқатар әдеби-рухани шара ұйымдастырылды.

Students of the Faculty of chemical technologies and natural sciences won 2 places at the XI Republican Student Olympiad in technology and tactics of active types of tourism.

Tsygan Armashka, Superman, Urod and Miguel - the players of the "Ertis" football club met sports fans at PSU.

Students of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University became holders of student scholarships of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy.