Hits of the 90s, dances, sweets and charity - an eco fair of the volunteer team “La Vie Dobro” was held at PSU.

Three experts from the German Senior Expert Service held seminars, master classes and lectures for faculty, students and graduates of several faculties of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

В день пожилого человека в Павлодарском государственном университете имени С. Торайгырова прошла торжественная встреча с ветеранами труда, тружениками тыла и пенсионерами вуза.

A meeting of the Council of Young Scientists was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

First-year students of the Department of Russian Philology were admitted to the “philological fraternity”.

На пост студенческого декана агротехнологического факультета избрана Диана Токай– 66,06%.

На очередном заседании Экологического совета Павлодарской области эксперты обсудили, насколько эффективны общественные слушания в вопросах окружающей среды.

In numerous salt lakes of the Pavlodar region, valuable artemia crustacean lives. Having a high content of proteins, fats, vitamins and hormones, Artemia is of great interest to the food and pharmaceutical industries, aquaculture and agriculture.

Innovative IT technologies in the development of the agro-industrial complex were discussed by leading experts at a seminar at PSU.

At S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University the Challenge “As Bolsyn” started. Four vice-rectors cooked dinner in the dining room of dormitory No. 1.