1 место – Гуманитарно-педагогический факультет.

Candidates for student deans took part in the presentation of the Pavlodar branch of Jýsan Bank.

A flash mob organized by the volunteer team “La vie Dobro” in conjunction with the kyokushinkai karate school was held on the main square of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

For the first time, the meeting of the academic council of S. Toraighyrov PSU was held live on Instagram, which everyone could see.

Journalists of the national branch of the Interstate Television and Radio Company "Mir" in the Republic of Kazakhstan spent several shooting days at S. Toraighyrov PSU.

Candidates for student deans of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University appealed to the police with a request to avoid the tragedy.

Candidates for student deans discussed the development of student self-government at a meeting with the first head of the university Meiram Begentayev.

Профессиональный праздник на свежем воздухе отметили профессорско-преподавательский состав и студенты кафедры географии и туризма.

In the Yestay Palace of Culture hosted the regional festival "Zhaidarman", in which seven teams took part.

In the framework of socially useful volunteering, students of the Department of Architecture and Design of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction, under the guidance of the professor of the department, Zhanna Temerbaeva, cleaned and improved the territory of the state institution "Center for the provision of special social services for the rehabilitation of children with muscle-skeleton disorder."