Scientific library named after S. Beisembayev


  • Dear readers! Scientific and bibliography department of PSU after S. Toraigyrov invites you to observe new literature. We expect you from 19 October to 23 October 2009 from 10 a.m. to 17 p.m.
  • In September 2009 the library got 3346 copies. Among the most significant books we can point out 2 books in Kazakh language by “Karasaі” publіshіng house  - the textbook by Kulbekuly M. and Chamraeva Sh. “Электр  және магнетизмнің физикалық негіздері” and academic Ergojin E.E. and Kurmanaleva M.K. the textbook “Жоғары молекулалық қосылытар” in 100 copies... Read more
  • In September 2009 the scientific library prepared the bulletin “New entry of electronic documents (1st entry, 2009), that was addressed to the teaching staff, students, workers of PSU... Read more
  • On August, 21st, 2009 within the limits of August meeting of teachers on the basis of library of college PSU named after S.Toraigyrov the regional seminar of library workers of high schools, colleges and professional lycées of the Pavlodar area on a theme «a library Role in patriotic education of youth» has taken place... Read more
  • Dear readers! Biblio-Scientific Department of the Scientific Library of S. Toraigyrov PSU invites you to browse through the new literature. You are welcome to visit the Biblio-Scientific Department on May 20-23 2009, 10-17 PM.
  • On April 13 to 17 2009 a questionnaire poll among readers had been conducted to determine how satisfied they were with the library service. The questionnaire addressed virtually every facet of library work: library assets, service, relations between the readers and librarians... Read more
  • On April 29 2009 the Oblast-wide seminar for library staff members of universities and vocation schools, on the topic of “The Library and Modern Reading Problems”... Read more
  • GSM Kazakhstan / Kcell Company, leading Kazakhstani mobile provider, contributed to the Scientific Library the first Kazakhstani book on public relations titled “No-nonsense Kazakhstani PR Or How To Promote Your Company Without Advertising” by Kuat Dombai. This book is dedicated to the popular profession of a PR specialist, and is directed towards both students and those who would like to use PR techniques in promoting one’s business.
  • Dear readers! Scientific-bibliographical office of scientific library of PSU named after S.Toraigyrov invites you to review the new literature. Wait for you on 20-25of April, 2009 during 10:00-17:00 in the scientific-bibliograp
  • To the 100th anniversary of  the birth date of the Poet and the Citizen – Pavel Vasilev the scientifically-auxiliary index «Pavel Vasilev (1909-1937)» is published by the Scientific library named after S. Bejsembaev of PSU named after S.Torajgyrov  together with Central city library named after P.Vasilev.
  • Dear reader! The scientific library named after  academician S. Bejsembaev  carries out the traditional action «Present a book to library». The action purpose: to increase  an information resource of the university. Library will take with thanks in its fund  scientific, educational, fiction books in Kazakh, Russian and other languages. The books presented by you will render the invaluable help in theoretical and practical preparation of students. Reception of books - daily from 10 a.m till 19 p.m.