On August, 21st, 2009 within the limits of August meeting of teachers on the basis of library of college PSU named after S.Toraigyrov the regional seminar of library workers of high schools, colleges and professional lycées of the Pavlodar area on a theme «a library Role in patriotic education of youth» has taken place.

For successful realization of the questions connected with cultivating patriotic feelings and civicism in young people, it is necessary to use a complex approach and cooperation with state and non-commercial organizations. The work of the library on forming patriotic feelings and strong civil position with the youth should be conducted in the following directions: moral, civil and tolerant. Using contemporary information resources, which almost every library has, it is possible to realize such programs on cultivating patriotic feelings as “To Live and to Remember”, “The XXI Century is the Age of Moral Enlightenment”. Within the programs the following events should be organized “Our Sacred Duty is to Defend the Motherland” and so on. More attention should be paid to the symbols of Kazakhstan. A very important constituent part of the work is bringing up love to the Motherland, to the home-town, respect to national traditions as part of the culture. It is very important to build the work on continuity, connection between the modern generation and the generations which experienced the Great Patriotic War and the war in Afghanistan.  Meetings with the Great Patriotic War veterans and famous fellow-countrymen should be held regularly. All these important aspects of the work with the readers were discussed at the seminar of the chief of science and methodology department Aljanova B.S. “Priority Directions of library activity aimed at cultivating patriotic feelings with the youth”.

The participants of the seminar “at a round table” “Libraries and cultivating patriotic feelings: traditions, current demands” discussed the following questions: influence of libraries on rising of moral, educational and intellectual level of the readers; upbringing of youth in the spirit of Kazakhstani patriotism; usage of different forms and methods of information service in the work of patriotic upbringing; local history work of libraries as an effective form of patriotic upbringing of readers.

A very interesting example from the work of a library was presented by Stepanova N.N. from the college of Krasnoarmeika. She reported about different forms of patriotic upbringing work: meetings with participants of wars, literature and music events, disputes. An electronic version of the memory day devoted to the warrior in Afghanistan, where his relatives took part, was presented. The librarian considers that such events are very effective in the questions of patriotic upbringing.

The librarian of Almaty Academy of economics and statistics Dzuban O.A. recommended to place all the attributes of Kazakhstani symbols in the first positions: the flag, the coat of arms, the words of the anthem. All this attracts the young readers’ attention.

The chief of library of Jayau Musa college of Aksu Amrenova N.T. thinks that it is very important to conduct the actions on civil education on the examples of literature heroes for whom the word “subduction” has a great meaning.

With the aim of investigation of the effectiveness of the seminar at the end applications were filled in. the participants of the event noted that the seminar was substantial, up-to-date and qualitative.