On April 13 to 17 2009 a questionnaire poll among readers had been conducted to determine how satisfied they were with the library service. The questionnaire addressed virtually every facet of library work: library assets, service, relations between the readers and librarians.

The questionnaire consisted of 11 questions, and prompted the respondent to write an essay on “Library in my Life”.

The question “Do you attend other libraries?” had the following answers: 75% of the readers indicated that they visit the Oblast Library; 19.4% – Central City Library, while the majority of the respondents (86.1%) say that the university library is their only source.

The “How often do you visit our library?” question has the following statistics: 38.8% of the readers said they attend it on a daily basis; 55.5% – several times a week; 41.6% several times a month. These data indicate a rather high library attendance. Almost half of the respondents visit the library several times a week. 27.7% of the readers find the desired information every time; 72.2% – almost always. Literature genres: 87.5% academic, 13.8% reference; 54.1% periodical.

Majority of respondents feel that library staff members have to be professional in their field (43%), courteous – 34.7%; patient and calm – 11.1%; all the abovementioned – 16.6%.

Respondents also commend certain aspects of library service, namely: working hours (9.00-19.20, 7 days a week) – 73.6%; staff competence – 44.4%; working environment – 23.6%; reference retrieval system – 16.6%.

72.2% of the students are satisfied with the library assets. Yet, it is alarming that 28% of the readers feel that there is not enough Kazakh language literature.

68% of students are aware of the cultural events held in the library, whereas 22.2% haven’t even participated in one. For each of the respondents library plays an important part, which is reflected in the essays.

In conclusion it should be noted that the survey helped determine the real status of the library. Also, it is clear that the library is very important and useful to both students and teachers. All the information involved in the educational processes can be found in the library, and the library staff does everything to make it convenient for the readers.

The survey was conducted among the students, amounting to 80 people.


“Library and I” Questionnaire

1. Name: ______________________________________ Group: ___________

2. Do you attend libraries other than the PSU Library:

a) The Oblast Library

b) Central City Library

c) other _____________________________________________

3. How often do you visit our library?

a) several times a week

b) every day

c) several times a month

4. Do you always find the desired information at the Library?

a) always

b) almost always

c) never

5. Which literature do you use often?

a) academic

b) reference

c) periodic

d) other _____________

6. What do you like about our Library?

a) working hours (9.00-19.00, 20.00; 7 days a week)

b) environment (comfort etc)

c) reference-retrieval system

d) staff competence

7. What qualities should staff members possess?

a) expertise

b) courteousness

c) patience

8. In your opinion, what should be done in order to improve library service and working environment?

Your suggestions: ________________________________________

9. Do you know that the Library holds various cultural events?

a) yes

b) no

10. Have you ever attended or participated in said events?

a) yes

b) no

11. What part does library play in your life?

We would like you to write an essay on the topic “Library in my life”.