College of Pavlodar State University has opened its doors for everyone who wants to get a professional education.

Pavlodar State University celebrated the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of a new academic year September 2. This year, about three thousand students became first-year students.

The first regional round table from the series of expert meetings "Modernization 3.0: Ruhani zhangyru" was held in Pavlodar on August 29, 2017. The event was organized by the Institute of Eurasian Integration (Astana).

On August 12, students of the military department of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, trained in programs with subsequent awarding a rank of lieutenants of the reserve, took the military oath. This year 78 students from the multi-profile university graduate from this program.

The work of a regional discussion platform for the implementation of historical research within the framework of the "Rukhani zhangyru" program completed at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Within the framework of the visit of the delegation of the World Expo Commissioners Club and a group of potential investors in Pavlodar an Acting rector N. Erzhanov and the general director of the Silk Road Association Rajesh Kumar signed an agreement on cooperation.

The deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan continue their work in Pavlodar region. Aigul Nurkina and Aizada Kurmanova visited S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

These days in the assembly hall of Pavlodar State University diplomas are being handled to the graduates. Bachelors and Master's Degree students received diplomas from the hands of the deans of the faculties of Pavlodar State University.

Last Saturday graduates of Pavlodar State University in Metallurgy, as well as the employees of the partner enterprise of the university LLP KSP Steel could admire the beauties of Pavlodar region

S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University once again confirmed its strong academic reputation.