History of the Department

The Department of Information Technology was established by merging the Department of Computer Science and Software and the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in September 2018.

Currently, the Department offers the following academic programs:

1) 5B060200 Computer Science. The academic degree awarded upon completion: Bachelor of Natural Sciences;

2) 5B070300 Information Systems. Academic programs: IS in Economics; IS in Engineering. The academic degree awarded upon completion: Bachelor of Engineering and Technology;

3) 5B070400 Computer Hardware and Software. Academic programs: Computer Hardware and Software Engineering in Economy; Computer Hardware and Software Engineering in Industry, Anti-Hacker and Cybersecurity. The academic degree awarded upon completion: Bachelor of Engineering and Technology.

The Department offers the following Master’s degree programs:

- 6M060200 Computer Science

- 6M011100 Computer Science

- 6M070300 Information Systems.

Along with it, academic and teaching staff members of the Department deliver the general course on Computer Science to students majoring in other disiplines.

Currently, the Department is headed by Vladimir Ivanovich Phandushin.


Training is carried out by highly qualified teachers with extensive experience in scientific, educational and industrial activities. Among them there are 9 professors, 3 associate professors, 5 candidates of sciences, 9 masters of engineering and technology. Highly qualified scientific specialists from the leading organizations and enterprises of the city and region are involved in the training process. The Department has four branches, enabling the direct interaction with experts in manufacturing, providing practical training and promoting future employment of the graduates: JSC “Kazenergokabel”, “UNICODE”; LLP “ASUER”; the Information Analytical Center of Kazakhstan.


Head of the Department

Full name: Nazira Nurgaziyevna Ospanova

Position: Head of the Department

Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences

Academic rank: Associate Professor, PSU Professor

Education: higher, Semey SU, Mathematics and Informatics (1996)

Postgraduate studies at Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 130002 Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (Informatics and Informatization of Education) (2009)

Courses taught: New information technologies in education and science, algorithms and complexity, software development technologies, new information technologies in science and education economic and information security, the contents of the training of the university computer engineering, IT infrastructure management, human-machine interaction

Professional experience: 21 years

  • Publications: over 70

Field of research: Field of research: methodological

Professional achievements: certificates for completion of professional development courses "Fundamentals of Distance Learning Technologies" (Omsk, 2013); certificate of state registration of intellectual rights to the copyright object "Computer Networks" (an electronic study guide) (2013); certificate of state registration of intellectual rights to the copyright object "Information Security and Data Protection" (a study guide) (2013), letter of appreciation from Turan Astana University for scientific supervision in the inter-university competition of Master's degree students' research projects (2014)


Location of the Department:

The Department of Information Technology, Office A-408, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Lomov St., Building No. 64, Pavlodar. Tel. 8(7182)673646 (ext. 1120)



Programs offered

Academic Staff

Training and Laboratory Facilities

Best Graduates

Achievements of the Department

Curriculum support and development

Research Activity

Morale Building Activities

Titles of Graduation Works / Projects, Master's and Doctoral Dissertations

Certificates of specialized accreditation

Accreditation Certificate