1) Associate Professor Kamkin V.A. and senior lecturer Shalabaev B.A. prepared a project application for a competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023 with a implementation period of 12 months (MES RK) on the topic: Study of the introduction potential of medicinal plants of the North-east of Kazakhstan. The application is at the stage of formal verification in the NCNTE.
2) Kamkin V.A. carried out scientific guidance on agricultural research No. 091/3 dated October 12, 2020 on the topic "Inventory of medicinal plants of the BGNPP"
3) Kamkin V.A. is a member of the working group on Agricultural research No. 59 dated November 19, 2020 between the NAO "Toraigyrov University" and the Department of Sports and Tourism of the Pavlodar region on the topic "Development of a concept for the development of year-round tourism in the Pavlodar region until 2025" as a senior researcher from November 19, 2020 to December 25, 2020.
4) Kamkin V.A. is a member of the Environmental Council of the Pavlodar region and participates in the development of the landscaping program of the city of Pavlodar.
5) Altybayeva A.K., Shalabaev B.A. and Mustafayeva N.B. are members of the working group on the ERASMUS+ IMPROVeE program on the topic "Internalization of Master's degree programs in agriculture through English-language education".
6) Askarov S.U., Kakezhanova Z.E., Altybayeva A.K. perform contractual research on the topic "Provision of services for scientific support of the agricultural management system in ASTALAGRO LLP".
7) Kakezhanova Z.E. is a member of the research group on R&D of the PCF of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 12 months on the topic "Development of soil mixtures based on vermicompost and their impact on crop yields".
8) Master's student gr MAgr-12n Leshchinsky M. participated in the competition for crediting startup projects "Flower Shop".
Participation in conferences:
teaching staff, students and undergraduates of the department participated in the organization and holding of three conferences:
1) International scientific and practical conference "XII Toraigyrov readings" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Toraigyrov University.
2) International scientific Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren "XX Satpayev readings"
3) Mustafayev B. A., Mustafayeva N. B., Kakezhanova Z. E. Peculiarities of changes in agrochemical properties of soil and productivity of grain crops when using vermicompost in the conditions of the dry-steppe zone of the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan // International Scientific Ecological Conference "Agricultural landscapes, their sustainability and features of development– - Krasnodar: KubGAU. - pp. 475-481.
Publication of textbooks:
Work has begun on the reissue of textbooks "Forest phytopathology" and "Medicinal plants of Pavlodar region" in Kazakh.
Articles have been published in journals included in the Web of Science database
1) Serik Abeuov, Yuri Ermokhin, Olzhas Shoykin, Viktor Kamkin Diagnosis of Potatoes’s Requirements for Nitrogen Fertilizers on Chestnut Soils of Northern Kazakhstan / Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference The Fifth Technological Order: Prospects for the Development and Modernization of the Russian Agro-Industrial Sector (TFTS 2019). - p. 450-453.
Articles have been published in the journals KKSON and RSCI
1) Abeuov S.K., Ermakova O.A., Kamkin V.A. The experience of implementing double-degree education at the Department of Agrotechnology of Toraigyrov University // Bulletin of PSU. The series is pedagogical. - №3, 2020.
2) Zh.G. Berdenov, E.H. Mendybaev, N.Makhanova, A.T. Beketova, Kamkin V.A. Modern methods of remote sensing processing and analysis (on the example of Akkulinsky district of Pavlodar region) / Science News of Kazakhstan. No. 1 (143). 2020. - pp. 12-24.
3) Kakezhanova Z.E., Kukusheva A.N., Askarov S.U., Altybayeva A.K. The influence of yellow clover as a steam-reanimating culture on the fertility of southern chernozem in the conditions of the steppe of north-east Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the Shakarim State University of Semey. Technical, biological, agricultural, veterinary, historical, economic sciences. - No. 2(90)2020. - Pages-269-274. - ISSN 1607-2774
4) Kukusheva A.N., Kakezhanova Z.E. et al. Efficiency of using hybrid sorrel under various mowing regimes and the use of fertilizers // Vestik of the Shakarim State University of Semey. Technical, biological, agricultural, veterinary, historical, economic sciences. - №4(92)2020. - ISSN 1607-2774
5) Altybaeva A.K., Zharkova S.V. The growing season of spring soft wheat varieties depending on the predecessor and the cultivation zone // Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University - № 11 (193) – 2020. – Pp. 5-10.
Participation in methodological and scientific seminars
The staff of the Department regularly participated in methodological seminars and webinars on the ZOOM platform on the following topics:
- Rules for conducting final control and certification online;
- Requirements for electronic UMKD
- Rules for checking anti-plagiarism and copyright protection;
- Modern methods of digitalization in the educational process.
Associate Professor Kamkin V. A. held a scientific and methodological seminar on the ZOOM platform for employees of the Bayanaul State Agricultural University on the topic "Prospects of medicinal plant growing in the Bayanaul district" as part of a contractual research project on the topic "Inventory of medicinal plants of the Bayanaul State Agricultural University".
Weekly Kamkin V.A. takes part in the methodological meeting of the working group on the program "Development of the concept of year-round tourism development in the Pavlodar region until 2025" with the participation of representatives of the regional akimat.
Professional development:
Kakezhanova Z.E. successfully passed the KazTest with confirmation of language proficiency at the C1 level.
The teaching staff of the department (Abeuov S.K., Beisekeeva A.K., Mustafayeva N.B., Kasanova Zh.B., Kakezhanova Z.E., Almisheva T.U., Shalabaev B.A., Ermulatov A.A., Ermekova O.A.) underwent advanced training under the program "Hi-Tech management" in the amount of 72 hours.
Clarification of research results
The results of the contractual research on the topic "Provision of services for scientific support of the agricultural management system in the Talapker farm" (Performers Askarov S.U., Kakezhanova Z.E., Altybaeva A.K.) were introduced into the Talapker farm in the form of an adaptive crop rotation system with elements of biologization of agriculture (employed pairs with sideral crops - sweet clover, rapeseed, intermediate crops) to increase soil fertility and crop productivity in the arid zone of North-East Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the introduction is to reduce the number of soil treatments by introducing crops into the crop rotation that have a beneficial effect on the composition of the soil profile and soil density, on the reproduction of its fertility, agrophysical and biological properties, as well as the productivity of cultivated crops.Reduction of the amount of applied mineral fertilizers or the effectiveness of their replacement with plant nutrition elements due to the introduction of sideral, intermediate crops into the crop rotation, more resistant to saline soils and unfavorable soil and climatic conditions. Improvement of the phytosanitary condition of crops, reduction of their contamination due to the introduction of winter rye and intermediate, sideral crops into the crop rotation, selection of resistant varieties of agricultural crops, leading to a decrease in the use of chemical protective agents.
Organization and management of R&D
The research of the department is carried out within the framework of writing bachelor's and master's theses. The topics and areas of work, as well as scientific guidance, are fixed by order and published on the educational portal. https://tou.edu.kz/arm/?menu=14&mod=dip_them
1. Copyright certificate: "Workshop on fruit growing in Northern Kazakhstan"computer program, copyright certificate No. 15801 dated March 10, 2021; Authors: Kakezhanova Z.E., Kukusheva A.N.
2. COXON's article
Title Author Edition, Volume, Issue, Pages Year File
1) "The influence of the yellow clover in the quality of the reanimating sideral culture on the fertility of the southern chernozem in the conditions of the steppe of the North-East of Kazakhstan" Kakezhanova Z.E.
Kukusheva A.N., Askarov S.U., Altybayeva A.K. Bulletin of the Shakarim State University of Semey, No. 2 (90) 2020 2020 № 2(90) 2020 (1). pdf
2) the use of hybrid sorrel under various mowing regimes and the use of fertilizers Kukusheva A.N., Kakezhanova Z.E Bulletin of the Shakarim State University of Semey, № 4 (92) 2020 2020 № 4(92) 2020 COXON.pdf
3. Publications in international conf
1) Features of changes in agrochemical properties of soil and productivity of grain crops when using vermicompost in the conditions of the dry-steppe zone of the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mustafaev B.A., Mustafaeva N.B., Kakezhanova Z.E. Agrarian landscapes, their stability and features of development : collection of scientific tr. based on the materials of the International Scientific Ecological Conf. / comp. L. S. Novopoltseva; edited by I. S. Belyuchenko. - Krasnodar : KubGAU, 2020 - 575-581 from 2020 Krasnodar 2020 journal and conf.pdf
2) The use of biological factors to increase soil fertility Kakezhanova Z.E., Mustafaev B.A., Mustafaeva N.B. Agricultural landscapes, their stability and features of development : collection of scientific tr. based on the materials of the International Scientific Ecological Conf. / comp. L. S. Novopoltseva; edited by I. S. Belyuchenko. - Krasnodar : KubGAU, 2020, page 63 2020 conf2020.pdf
4. List of published textbooks and teaching aids
Title Source Co-authors Impression
WORKSHOP ON FRUIT GROWING IN NORTHERN KAZAKHSTAN Electronic textbook Electronic textbook for computers, 2021 Kukusheva A.N. textbook 2021
5. According to the agreement No. 11 dated May 5, 2020, on the topic: Provision of services for scientific support of the agricultural management system in ASTAL AGRO LLP
6. The act of introduction of scientific and technical developments:
Developers: Askarov S.U., Kakezhanova Z. E., Kukusheva A.N., Altybaeva A.K.
8 (7182) 673685 (int. 1295)
e-mail: psu_at@mail.ru