Tansaule Serikov, non-staff adviser to the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, visited Toraighyrov University.

He presented the concept of higher and postgraduate education for persons with disabilities to the faculty.
 - The purpose of the concept is the organization of a state system for the development of science and higher education for persons with disabilities, which guarantees compliance with the principles of state policy in the field of higher education: general accessibility of higher education, adaptability of the educational system to the levels and characteristics of development and preparation of students for successful socialization in society, -  said Tansaule Serikov.
Also, a constructive dialogue was held with university students in the coworking, where issues aimed at improving the quality of life of students with disabilities were discussed.
Tansaule Serikov noted that Toraighyrov University has created all possible conditions for teaching people with disabilities.  Including the new residential student campus that has rooms for students with special needs.