In September 2009 the library got 3346 copies. Among the most significant books we can point out 2 books in Kazakh language by “Karasaі” publіshіng house  - the textbook by Kulbekuly M. and Chamraeva Sh. “Электр  және магнетизмнің физикалық негіздері” and academic Ergojin E.E. and Kurmanaleva M.K. the textbook “Жоғары молекулалық қосылытар” in 100 copies.

Big batch of books was got from the publіshіng сenter of the university “Kereku” – 3000 copies. Among them there are 654 copies n Kazakh language, 525 copies of methodological instructions, n Russian 1843 copies where 1239 copes of methodological instructions also.

Our library s being got the donations in the frames  of the state programme “Мәдени Мұра”. We would like to mention such books as “Ұлы қағанат” by Salgaruly K., “Қазақтың ауызща тарихы” by Seidimbek A. The book “The great daughters of the great steep” was got in Kazakh, Russian and English languages, “Қазақ журналистикасы” in 3 volumes, an encyclopedia “Қазақстан табиғаты” V.1, books in art in Kazakh, Russian and English languages by Tochtabaeva Sh. J., Karimova R.U., “Ancient treasures of Kazakh Altai” by Samashev Z.

There are a new entry of books for the recently opened specialties. For the specialty “Oil and gas industry” the teachers of Atyrau institute of Oil and Gas sent their works and books: Serikov T.P. and others.  Also there can be mentioned such books as :Innovated approaches in the development of oil and gas industry in Atyrau region”, “The problems of scientific and technical staff maintenance of oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan”.

For the specialty “Political studies” Kazakh institute of strategic investigations under the control of the President Republic of Kazakhstan sent the books of Laumulin M.T. “Central Asia in foreign  political studies and world geopolitics”, “Kazakhstan and ...”, “To the presidium of Kazakhstan in … : the collection of documents and articles”, “Republic of Kazakhstan: political modernization” and others.