On April 29 2009 the Oblast-wide seminar for library staff members of universities and vocation schools, on the topic of “The Library and Modern Reading Problems”.

Seminar attendees were presented with a report on the reading status in Kazakhstan, as well as a consultation titled “Modern forms and methods of promoting reading”. The event also included experience sharing and a round table on library and reading issues. Among notable participants of the round table was deputy chairwoman of the P. Vasiliev literary society, poetess T. Okolnichya. Together with the honoured guest, round table participants discussed various serious issues, such as: how to promote reading among teenagers and young people; which literature should be recommended to them; how to cultivate reading mentality; which methods of library service are to be used to promote reading academic, as well as other useful literature; who affects the moral upbringing of young people, and so forth. Seminar was concluded with a questionnaire poll, which demonstrated that the event was conducted well, and definitely had a significant impact.