By the decision of the evaluation committee Umut Amrinova, Gylymgul Talgat, Danagul Zhanat, Aliya Laubay, Madina Syzdykova are the winners of the scholarship program of the Foundation "KAZKA", initiated by the public association "Taiburyl".

Student of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state university Valeriya Dzhembetova entered the top three winners of the republican competition "Volunteer 2016".

Director of the Department on educational work and social affairs of S. Toraighyrov PSU Kaiyrbay Ashenov became powerlifting world champion.

On the day before at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University finished the first in Pavlodar geographical dictation.

The team of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University "Accent" won the third place in the National league of the Club of the Funny and Inventive.

International Toraighyrov readings have become a tradition in the walls of the Pavlodar state university and have been held for the eighth time. This conference is held on the eve of a landmark event for all Kazakhstani people - the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On the day before at Kazakh Music and Drama Theatre named after Zh.Aimautov was held sharp social performance "Adaskandar". Among the audience of the play in that evening were the students of S.Toraighyrov PSU.

At S.Toraighyrov PSU finished the competition in volleyball for the Rector's Cup among the faculty and staff of the university.

In the International Day for Tolerance students and teachers of PSU, chaired by head of the department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Doctor of History, Saule Mamytova participated in the republican online seminar on the problems of ethnic and religious tolerance in modern society, dedicated to the anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Students and teachers of S.Toraighyrov PSU met with local historian, an honorary citizen of Pavlodar Ernest Sokolkin.