Teaching staff and students of the S. Toraighyrov PSU took part in the republican preventive anti-corruption event by means of videoconference.

The scientific project "Trends and prospects for the development of active tourism in the Pavlodar region", which was presented on the republican contest "Gylym Sharainasy" by the students of the Tourism Department of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University Aliya Tukuyeva and Anastasia Sasko, won the first place.

A celebration of the national holiday of the vernal equinox - Nauryz was held at S.Toraighyrov PSU.

Professor of PSU, composer Nazymbek Dukenbai and Candidate of Philological Sciences, professor Serik Yelikpayev became the winners of the Republican contest of scientific works devoted to the 25 Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On the before the researcher from Japan, Dr. Phd Toko Fujimoto visited Pavlodar State University.

Students of S. Toraighyrov PSU became prize-winners of the International Subject Olympiad among students of agricultural specialties of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

The evening of poetry "The wing of lines touched the heart ", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Pavlodar poetess, public figure Olga Grigorieva took place at S. Toraighyrov PSU.

Student of S. Toraighyrov PSU, future biotechnologist Elnur Rakhmatullin became the winner of the national contest of English words spelling "Kazakhstan Spelling Bee".

Member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, senior lecturer of the Department of Architecture and Design of S. Toraighyrov PSU Maysa Iklassova took part in the solemn event dedicated to the Day of Gratitude, which was held in the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, Astana.

S.Toraighyriv PSU and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration signed a partnership agreement.