Participants of PSU student construction team took part in the landscaping of the territory of the orphan's home.

В сентябре в ПГУ имени С. Торайгырова состоятся выборы лидеров студенческого самоуправления.

Об этом стало известно на презентации портала Центра обслуживания студентов (ЦОС).

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service and S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The soldiers learned the basics of military science at the “Shygys” training range of the “Vostok” regional command.

The day before relatives and friends met the students at the train station.

PSU scientists Alevtina Tsvetkova and Anara Uyzbaeva returned from the international folkloristic expedition.

The developers of Engineering and Analytical Center at S. Toraighyrov PSU are now engaged in a project on the electric power transmission over a distance. Direct use for recharging of quadrocopters in the air. Analogues in Kazakhstan currently do not exist.

В Павлодарском государственном университете был разработан и воплощён в жизнь стартап проект социального направления «COSMO STUDIO».

S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University was founded in 1960. Then it was called Pavlodar Industrial Institute.