A solemn ceremony of admission to the party, dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in the Pavlodar regional branch of the “Nur Otan” party.

On this day, one hundred and seven people joined the regional party organization - people of all ages and professions.

The Akim of Pavlodar region, the chairman of the regional party organization Bulat Bakauov addressed the audience with a welcoming speech:

- The history of the formation of the “Nur Otan” party is closely connected with the name of the First President. Under his leadership, the party has become the leading political force in the country. The main task of the “Nur Otan” members is to prove their leadership in practice, to be at the head of the fateful processes of modernization of all aspects of society, and to preserve the national code. It is gratifying that young people join the ranks of the party. I congratulate you on this significant day and wish you success in your work aimed at the development of our Motherland - the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Alexander Neftissov, PSU, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Energy Engineering also received the party membership card on this day.

“Joining the party is a conscious decision for me. Today, I received my party membership from the hands of the regional Akim. For me, this is a great trust and a great honor”, he shared.

At the end of the solemn event the winners of the regional competition “The best primary party organization” were awarded with valuable prizes. 

S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University won the second place in the third category. The number of party members at the university is over 500 people.

Let us note that today the party has about one million members, 65 thousand of which are residents of Pavlodar region.