On 17 January, a meeting was held in the akimat of Uspenska district to explain the President's Address “New Development Opportunities in the Context of the Fourth industrial revolution”.

Members of the outreach group began their work with a meeting with the public of Uspenka and Tavolzhan villages.

Vice-rector for the development strategy, educational and social work of S. Toraighyrov PSU, Doctor of Political Sciences, Arman Akishev noted that the current Address specifies a certain program of measures of system modernization of Kazakhstan in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and therefore, explanatory work at all levels is very important. 

Questions on the role of education in the new growth model, the agro-industrial complex, the liberalization of the social sphere, and the role of the service sector in the new model of economic growth were discussed after the speeches of outreach group representatives.

At the end of the meeting, an appeal to the residents of the district was accepted, which calls for support of the initiatives of the Head of State and take an active part in their implementation.