Madina Alina and Nursultan Ibraev, students of Toraighyrov University, won the national science competition " Zhyldyn 100 uzdik gylymi zhobasy " in the areas of biotechnology and food technology.






Nursultan Ibraev presented a project on fruit and vegetable preservation. Madina Alina project is the production of organic soap with the addition of loofah, a genus of herbaceous vines of the Cucurbitaceae family.

“ToU always supports students' interest in science, because the university is a place where they not only provide knowledge, but also help to develop research skills. At our university, every student can delve into the study of their specialty and simultaneously reveal their potential in the field of scientific discoveries,” noted Kuralai Isayeva, head of the Department of Biotechnology.

The projects of Madina Alina and Nursultan Ibraev were highly praised by the competition jury. The projects were noted for their originality, relevance, and potential impact on the development of science and technology.