Educational work

Start of the academic year for first-year students begins with an introduction to the curators and advisors. Curator of the first course were appointed: Instr-101, Instr -102, Instr -102 (c) lecturer Avdolkhan Almagul; Ph 101, Ph 102, senior lecturer Zhuspekova Nurgul Zhumagazinovna; Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Dosanov Talgat Sapargalievich is adviser groups - 6M060400-Physics (Kazakh, Russian), 5B060400-Physics (Kazakh, Russian), 5B060300- Mechanics (Kazakh, Russian); Senior Lecturer Dosumbekov K.R. Group adviser of 5M071600-Instrumentation (Russian, Kazakh.) 5B071600-Instrumentation (KAZ) Gutenko A.D. adviser of group – 5B071600 (rus). The curators of the above groups hold information talk, where students are explained the rules of behavior at university, class schedule, features of point-rating system of training and credit technology. Organized educational trips to learn about the main and additional  buildings of  S.Toraighyrov PSU. Held curatorial hours on the theme: "The mission, strategic goals and objectives, quality objectives of  S.Toraighyrov PSU ","Introduction to the internal rules". Curators are compiled sociodemographic passports of the first course academic groups, students lists from large families, students-orphans, students without parental care. In September, on the territory of urb.d. Usolka held "Day of Health", where organized mass sporting events among students, faculty and staff. In October, the students organized a concert to the "Teacher's Day". Spent the following curator hours, "On Combating Corruption", "Speaking state Language is our civic duty  to"The Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Students, graduates and members of the department are involved in the clean-up events for land improvements according to the schedule. Provided information on the passage photofluorographic examination of students, faculty and staff of the department in accordance with the order of the dean's office.