Research work

The study of wave processes in heterostructures with a variety of physical and mathematical properties. The head of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Zhukenov Marat Karatayevich. On this scientific direction of the staff of the department of physics and instrumentation are proactive and conduct research on the themes:

The study of wave processes in elastic anisotropic media (elastic, bending waves);

The study of wave processes in thermoelastic anisotropic media (thermoelastic waves);

The study of wave processes in piezoelastic anisotropic media (elastic and electromagnetic waves);

The study of wave processes in magneto-anisotropic media (elastic and electromagnetic waves);

The study of wave processes in dielectric anisotropic media (electromagnetic waves);

The study of wave processes in anisotropic media with magnetoelectric effect (elastic and electromagnetic waves).

Under the guidance of Professor Tleukenov S.K. according to the scientific direction of the department staff physics and instrumentation defended 5 thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences: Ispulov N.A., Sarymova Sh.N.,  Dosano T.S., Zhukenov M.K., Seythanova A.K. ; more than 30 master's theses; 20 diploma work. In 2011, Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Zhukenov M.K. and KF Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Dosanov T.S. wer awarded the Prize of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology.

Major publications on the subject of research:

Tleukenov S.K., Dosanov T.S., Zhukenov M.K. Equations dispersion piezomagnetic waves in periodically inhomogeneous anisotropic media tetragonal classes 422, 4mm, 4 / mm with piezo- effect . The Bulletin of KazNPU Series physical and mathematical. - Almaty, 2008. - №3.

Tleukenov SK, Dosanov TS, Zhukenov MK Equations dispersion coupled waves in periodically inhomogeneous medium orthorhombic class 222, mm2, mmm with piezo- effect // The Bulletin of ENU - Astana - 2009 - №2

Tleukenov S.K., Zhukenov M.K. The analytical solution of the problem of reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves at the boundary of an isotropic dielectric and anisotropic magneto-dielectric effect by matriciant // Proceedings of NAS RK - 2009 - Tleukenov SK, MK Zhukenov The analytical solution of the problem of reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves at the boundary of an isotropic dielectric and anisotropic magneto-dielectric effect by matriciant // Proceedings of NAS RK - 2009 - № 5.

Tleukenov S.K., Zhukenov M.K. On the expansion of electromagnetic waves in dielectric media with magnetoelectric effect // III HUMBOLDT-KOLLEG: Proceedings of International Scientific conference "The role of the Humboldt fundamental knowledge about global relationships between man and nature in sustainable development of modern society."

Tleukenov S.K., Zhukenov M.K., Sovet E.O. On the expansion of electromagnetic waves in magneto environments. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Science, education and society: contemporary challenges and prospects" - Moscow, 2013 - Part 1. pp. 30-31. "

Тлеукенов С.К., Жукенов М.К. Existence of surface waves at the plane Boundary of antiferromagnetic Cr2O3. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «The 7th Conference of the Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science (ACCMS-7) – Накхон Ратчасима, Тайланд, 2013 – стр. 73

Nurlybek A. Ispulov, Abdul Qadir, Ainur K. Seythanova, Marat Zhukenov, Talgat Dosanov, Saeed Ahmed Khan. Thermoelastic Waves Propagation in Rhombic Singony of the Classes mm2 and 222. SINDH UNIVERSITY RESEARCH JOURNAL (SCIENCE SERIES), N. A-1, март 2013, р. 29-32, 2013 г.