The department for the reporting period conducted research work by the funded theme:

- "Research of features of appliance of a stand-alone hardware monitoring environment pollution with aerosols", the contract 30.05.2015 № 0127. with LLP "ASUEP" Pavlodar, contractual funding of 300 thousand tons for 1 year. Executive, Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Potapenko O.G.

- From October 2015 Fandyushin V.I. is the leader of the initiative scientific project "Improving the operation of automated control system of SPD with low-power", with the expected implementation and financing of 4 million tenge.

With this initiative project in the framework of the Forum Business Days Pavlodar performed at the contest “Enterprise's solutions”, has received the diploma of 2 degrees and a certificate for a money prize of 100,000 tenge.

The initiative of research "Development of mathematical and software for processing and compression of hyperspectral aerospace ERS images" under the direction of Sarinova A.Z.  has 1 a certificate of registration of rights for the object of copyright: number 2014660049 by 10.1.2014, at the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property to the computer program "Compression hyperspectral aerospace images." 

2015-2016 academic year, the university applied for the program "Zhas Galym" on the theme "Research of processing algorithms of hyperspectral aerospace images," students of group CaS-202 (P Kabanov, Zhabatay A. Sadovskaya A. Mukanova S. Zhakupov K., Ryabov V. ) under the direction of senior lecturer Sarinova A.Zh. Approved for funding

International Cooperation Activity

- Sarinova A.Zh. - Residency studies at SR Tomsk State University: Faculty of Computer Science in the specialty "Mathematical and computer software, machines and networks." Successful completion of the final certification of graduate students. Candidate examinations. 3 course. Russia, Tomsk.

- Kuanysheva R.S.- Residency studies at Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Omsk State Pedagogical University" specialty "Theory and a methodic of education and upbringing (informatization of education, the level of higher education)." Dissertation: the Technique of development of ICC competence of the future bachelors of engineering and technology in the conditions of polylinguism. On the topic of the dissertation were published 2 articles.

Teachers of the department carry out individual research work on the initiative research: 

Table 1


Scientific adviser


1 Research of features of appliance of a stand-alone hardware monitoring environment pollution with aerosols Potapenko O.G. 2017 г.
2 Development of mathematical and software for processing and compression of hyperspectral aerospace ERS images Sarinova A.Zh. 2018 г.
3 Improving the operation of automated control system of SPD with low-power Fandyushin V.I. 2018 г.
4 Technique of development of ICC competence of the future bachelors of engineering and technology in the conditions of polylinguism Kuanysheva R.S. 2018 г

Planning of individual plans of teachers scientific - research work. 

Table 2



Work for research

1 Research of features of appliance of a stand-alone hardware monitoring environment pollution with aerosols. Potapenko O.G. Conducted a research project on the topic “Research of features of appliance of a stand-alone hardware monitoring environment pollution with aerosols”.
2 Development of mathematical and software for processing and compression of hyperspectral aerospace ERS images Sarinova A.Zh.
  1. Published more than 15 scientific papers on the subject of research (2 in scientific journals RISC HAC Russia, Scopus).2. Participation in the 12th International Conferences (Spain, Moscow, Tomsk, Pavlodar, Astana).
  2. Registred program of aerospace hyperspectral images compression for computer, TPU.
  3. Carried out a research project together with the students.
  4. Prepared with the students 2 research reports.
3 Improving the operation of automated control system of SPD with low-power Fandyushin V.I.
  1. Published 2 scientific articles on the subject of research
  2. Prepared with the students 2 research reports.

Lecturers of the department of computer technology and programming in the 2015-2016 academic year, published 20 scientific papers, 17 of them in National publications in the CIS - 3, published in state language - 1.


Title of publication

Type of publication (article, thesis, report etc.)

The output (the name of the publishing house or magazine, number, year, the conference, magazine number, page numbers)










1 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna Compression of aerospace hyperspectral images by fragmentation of statistical characteristics and the use of neural networks article International Research and Practice Conference. "Innovation in Education: search and solutions"

The National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan,2015

4 -
2 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna Features of the development of algorithms and parallel computing methods article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and schoolchildren “XV Satpayev readings" Pavlodar, S.Toraighyrov: PSU.. 2015. 6 Kabanov P.А.
3 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna The modular design of the software in Visual Studio C ++ environment article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and schoolchildren “XV Satpayev readings" Pavlodar, S.Toraighyrov: PSU.. 2015. 6 Sagyntai Е.
4 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna Lossless compression of hyperspectral images with pre-byte processing and intra-bands correlation article Universidad Nacional de Colombia. DYNA. 82 (190), pp. 166-172. April, 2015 Medellín. ISSN 0012-7353 Printed, ISSN 2346-2183 Online DOI. Scopus, Tomson Reuters. 7 Alexander Zamyatin & Pedro Cabral
5 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna Compression aerospace hyperspectral remote sensing images without losses. article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and pupils “Toraighyrov readings” " Pavlodar: S.Toraighyrov PSU, 2015. 5 -
6 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna Pretreatment compression algorithms aerospace hyperspectral images in the application of wavelet decomposition article The Bulletin of PSU. Series of Physics and Mathematics. Number 4, Pavlodar, 2015. 5 -
7 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna Processing of space images in digital data processing article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and pupils “Toraighyrov readings” " Pavlodar: S.Toraighyrov PSU, 2016 4 Kabanov P.А.
8 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna Time Management of University student in Information Technology article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and pupils “Toraighyrov readings” " Pavlodar: S.Toraighyrov PSU, 2016 4 Musaslim Eldos
9 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna The technology of wavelet decomposition in the processing of hyperspectral data article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and pupils “Toraighyrov readings” " Pavlodar: S.Toraighyrov PSU, 2016 4 -
10 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna Processing and algorithms of compression of hyperspectral aerospace images in view of crossband correlation and application of indexing article Proceedings of the XV International Conference named after A.F. Terpugov, Information Technologies and Mathematical Modeling. Altai region, Altai district,village Katun, 2016 6 -
11 Amangeldi N. Methods to ensure the protection of data using SQL mechanisms. article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and schoolchildren “XIII Satpayev readings" Pavlodar, S.Toraighyrov: PSU 2016, V. 22. P..150-155   Balgabayeva G.S.

Zhomart K.

12 Kuanysheva



Analysis of training bachelors of engineering and technology. article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and schoolchildren “XVI Satpayev readings" Pavlodar, S.Toraighyrov, 2016. Russian -
13 Kuanysheva



The problem of formation of the ICC competence of the future bachelors of engineering and technology in a multilingual education. article Informatization of Education: Theory and Practice: Proc. Materials of the International research and practice conference - Omsk: Publishing house OmSPU, 2015: p.156-158 Russian -
14 Mazhit Z. S. Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology. article Contributed papers. Volume 2. P.358-361.

Minsk, Belarus, 2015.

15 Mazhit Z. S. The ionization equilibrium in a partially ionized hydrogen plasma article The Bulletin of PSU. Series of Physics and Mathematics. Pavlodar, 2015. №3. P.55-62 7  
16 Mazhit Z. S. Half-ionizing, low-temperature plasma kinetic model thesis Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and schoolchildren “XVI Satpayev readings" Pavlodar, S.Toraighyrov, V.22. 2016. P.345-348. 4 Potapenko O.G., Abenova A.T.
17 Mazhit Z. S. The Ionization Degree of Partially Ionized Hydrogen Plasmas abstract PNP-15. August 30- September 4, 2015.Book of abstracts. Almaty: 2015. P.104. 1 -
18 Talipov S.N. Means of information security for personal computers and mobile devices   The Bulletin of PSU №2-2016 (0,3    
19 Potapenko O.G. Prospects of development of hyperlocal media projects in Kazakhstan   Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and schoolchildren “XVI Satpayev readings" Pavlodar, S.Toraighyrov V.22. 2016. P.345-348 4 Nuralinov А.

Students of group CaS-402 Zhakupova Ayman, Zhandauletova Zhanara, Nuralinov Arman, Fuzeyev Vyacheslav, Shaklein Vladimir work under stratup project, at the moment there is a project under development: "Event map", is the winner of StartUp Nomad Tour in 2015, passed the business acceleration at the Club of young entrepreneurs "MOST" from September 25 - November 30, 2015, participated in the «Eurasia Mobile Challenge» international competition, are semifinalists are certified participants Semi Finalist at Regional Final, Moscow, Russia, on 27-28 January, 2016.

Nuralin Arman – participant of forum "Business and Education", which took place in December 2015 at S.Toraighyrov PSU, Pavlodar, member of an international organization Enactus (Enactus PSU) for the posts of "Project Manager" participant of "Bolashak Business Competition" from the Association "Bolashak", the winner of the regional championship in solving business cases "Kemel kasіpker" 2016 (S.Toraighyrov PSU, Pavlodar, in the team DoStar), finalist of the national championship in solving business cases "Kemel kasіpker" in 2016 (3rd place, as part of DoStar team), champion of Enactus Kazakhstan National EXPO 2016 (as part of the team Enactus PSU), winner of the XVI Satpayev readings among students in the computer science section 

Together with the students published 6 articles. In the 2015-2016 academic year, the number of publications was 4.6, in accordance with staff- 0.51


Title of publication

Type of publication (article, thesis, report etc.)

The output (the name of the publishing house or magazine, number, year, the conference, magazine number, page numbers)










1 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna Features of the development of algorithms and parallel computing methods article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and schoolchildren “XV Satpayev readings" Pavlodar, S.Toraighyrov 2015. 6 Kabanov P.А.
2 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna The modular design of the software in Visual Studio C ++ environment article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and schoolchildren “XV Satpayev readings" Pavlodar, S.Toraighyrov: PSU.. 2015. 6 Sagyntai Е.
3 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna Processing of space images in digital data processing article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and pupils “Toraighyrov readings” " Pavlodar: S.Toraighyrov PSU, 2016 4 Kabanov P.А.
4 Sarinova Assiya Zhumabayevna Time Management of University student in Information Technology article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and pupils “Toraighyrov readings” " Pavlodar: S.Toraighyrov PSU, 2016 4 Musaslim Eldos
5 Amangeldi N. Methods to ensure the protection of data using SQL mechanisms. article Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and schoolchildren “XIII Satpayev readings" Pavlodar, S.Toraighyrov: PSU 2016, V. 22. P..150-155   Balgabayeva G.S.

Zhomart K.

6 Potapenko O.G. Prospects of development of hyperlocal media projects in Kazakhstan   Proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students, students and schoolchildren “XVI Satpayev readings" Pavlodar, S.Toraighyrov V.22. 2016. P.345-348 4 Nuralinov А.