The Faculty of Computer Science was organized in 2021 on the basis of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology, which operated in the period from 2003 to 2020.
The mission of the faculty is "To be the university's intellectual center, promoting innovation and research in IT and physical-mathematical sciences".
The aim of the Faculty of Computer Science is a becoming a regional leader in the field of physics, mathematics and information and communication education, improving the quality of the educational process and creating competitive advantages for graduates in the national labor and education market.
The faculty employs a highly qualified staff of teachers, consisting of 2 doctors of sciences, 16 candidates of sciences, 6 PhD doctors, 31 masters.
Methodological and training manuals are developed annually in the areas of educational programs.
The Faculty trains students in the main programs (described below):
6B06104 - Computer Science
(2 specialized disciplines: Mathematics and Informatics)
6B06102 – Information systems
(2 specialized disciplines: Mathematics and Informatics)
6B05301 - Physics
(2 specialized disciplines: Mathematics and Physics)
6B05302 – Technical physics
(2 specialized disciplines: Mathematics and Physics)
6B05401 - Mathematics
(2 specialized disciplines: Mathematics and Physics)
6B05402 - Mechanics
(2 specialized disciplines: Mathematics and Physics)
6B07104 – Instrumentation
(2 specialized disciplines: Mathematics and Physics)
Master's degree:
7M06102 – Information systems (scientific and pedagogical, 2 years)
7M06152 – Information systems (profile, 1 year)
7M01501 – Informatics (pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical, 2 years)
7M01551 – Informatics (pedagogical, specialized, 1 year)
7M07105 - Instrumentation
7M05301 - Physics
7M05401 - Mathematics.
Trajectories according to Educational Program 6B06104 - Computer Science:
- Cyber Security
- Web development
- DevOps engineer
- Graphics, augmented and virtual reality
- Software engineering.
and for additional specializations - minor. Every student of any educational program of the university has the opportunity to get a profession in the IT field, while studying in the main specialization. Based on the requests of the labor market, data from the Atlas of New Professions, six mines with a volume of 15 credits were introduced in the following areas:
1) Graphics, augmented and virtual reality
2) SMM & Video production
3) Web programming.
Faculty teachers are constantly working to improve the quality of students' education by introducing new forms and methods of innovative pedagogical technologies into the educational process, increasing the practical orientation of the educational process, organizing and participating in annual Olympiads, competitions and scientific and practical conferences.
All events are published in our social networks.networks and
The achievements of the faculty in the first year include: the opening of a large IT school in the region /, cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, large business partners - IT companies of Kazakhstan:
- BTS-Education,
- TKR Group
- 10Tech,
- Qwant, BCPD Ltd,
as well as with other universities that are permanent partners in conducting scientific internships, advanced training courses, and academic mobility of students.
IT school courses:
• Web development (partner Qwant, Nur-Sultan);
• GoLang development (JumysBar, Nur-Sultan);
• Android development (JumysBar, Nur-Sultan);
• Data Science (JumysBar, Nur-Sultan);
• 3D-modeling in Blender: basic course (author's course of IT-school);
• 3D modeling in Blender: advanced course (10Tech, Nur-Sultan);
• Development of a VR application in Unreal Engine (10Tech, Nur-Sultan);
• Programming according to WorldSkills standards (author's course of the IT school);
• Social Media Marketing SMM (author's course of the IT school);
• Photographer's course (author's course of the IT school)
• Video production (author's course of the IT school)
• Fundamentals of databases (author's course of the IT school)
• Computer literacy (author's course of the IT school)
Address, Contact details:
140008 Pavlodar
Lomov str., 64, Main academic Building
Office 407, floor 4.
Dean of the Faculty,
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics sciences, professor
Ispulov Nurlybek Aidargalievich, mob.: +7 747 056 8708