The main directions of scientific work of the department are:
1. Research and development of new methods of control and quality management of industrial products.
2. Improving the efficiency of standardization, certification and metrological support of production.
3. Development of competitive designs of resource-saving metal-cutting tools.
4. Unconventional technologies for generating electric energy based on renewable energy sources.
5. Ensuring the technological reliability of machine parts.
The department has organized scientific and methodological and research seminars conducted by the teaching staff of the department. Topics covered: Justification of the topics of diploma projects in the direction of "Wind energy", Assessment of the formation of processing errors on metal-cutting machines and others.
In order to improve their skills, all teachers of the department regularly participate in courses, seminars held in Kazakhstan and neighboring countries.
The department conducts research on the topics of scientific grant projects:
- Research and design of resource-saving metal-cutting tools (2021-2023) – the grant amount is 45,2 million tenge
Head Kasenov A.Zh. Performers: Taskarina A.Zh.; Mazdubai A.V.; Mukanov A.V.; Tusupova S. O.; Iskakova D. A.; Lub T. L.
- Research and improvement of the quality of high-speed milling of hard–to-process materials by modeling the process and optimizing cutting modes (2023-2025) - the grant amount is 20.48 million tenge
Supervisor: Tusupova S.O., Scientific consultant: Sherov K.T.
- Study of tribotechnical characteristics of resource-saving metal-cutting tools (2023-2025) – grant amount 97.96 million tenge
Director: Kasenov A.Zh.; Performers: Abishev K.K.; Mazdubai A.V., Musina Zh.K., Itybaeva G.T., Taskarina A.Zh., Mukanov R.B., Iskakova D.A., Lub T.L.
The department has a student design bureau for mechanical engineering and Power engineering, established according to the Rector's order of April 04, 2003. SDB carries out development work in the following areas:
1 Unconventional technologies for generating electric energy based on renewable energy sources.
2 Development of competitive designs of resource-saving metal-cutting tools
Picture - The model of a universal wind power plant, a study of the parameters of the wind wheel
Picture - Presentation of the "Universal Wind Turbine" project to the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sarinzhipov A.B. (supervisor Professor Shumeyko I.A., Master Nurkimbayev S.M.)
Picture - Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Student Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering and Power Engineering I.A. Shumeyko.
In the direction: Development of competitive designs of resource-saving metal-cutting tools, the head of the department takes part Itybaeva G.T., professors Musina Zh.K., Kasenov A.Zh., doctoral students Luba T.L., Iskakova D.A.
Purpose: Development of resource-saving metal-cutting tools providing high quality surface treatment of machine parts with the development of new processing methods and designs of metal-cutting tools.
1. Analysis of existing methods of processing external and internal surfaces of machine parts;
2. Substantiation and development of new designs of resource-saving metal-cutting tools of a new generation;
3. Development of recommendations for processing the external and internal surfaces of machine parts with resource-saving metal-cutting tools of a new generation.
Based on the results of the work done, the results were obtained:
- designs, kinematics and dynamics of the processing process with resource-saving metal-cutting tools of a new generation;
- based on experimental studies, the influence of technological factors on the quality of surface treatment of machine parts with resource-saving metal-cutting tools of a new generation has been established;
- methods of designing resource-saving metal-cutting tools of a new generation.
Picture - Scientific developments of the department (a - two-vertex spiral drills without a transverse edge; b - countersink-broach; c- incisor sweep with non-vertex teeth; d - sweep-broach)
The practical significance lies in the fact that the designs of resource-saving metal-cutting tools of a new generation have been developed, providing improved processing quality, creating favorable cutting conditions, reducing tool material, which led to a reduction in resources and energy consumption, and, consequently, to a reduction in the cost of manufacturing tools and parts.
Intellectual property protection: Over 40 preliminary patents and innovative patents have been obtained with implementation into production and educational process.
In December 2020, she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty 6D071200 – Mechanical Engineering Tusupova S.O. and received a grant for postdoctoral research (2023-2025).
In June 2022, he defended his dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – R.V. Sapinov..
Head of the department Itybaeva G.T., professors Kasenov A.Zh., Musina Zh.K., senior teachers doctoral student Sapinov R.V., Master Tkachuk A.A. take an active part in the commercialization of research.
Teachers and students of the department are published in scientific journals, in international cited journals (in the Web of Science database, in the Scopus database), in materials of domestic and foreign conferences.
Intellectual baggage of the most significant publications of the teaching staff for a five-year period:
Musina Zh.K. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 11, Articles in journals with non-zero impact factor (Scopus/Web of Science) – 14;
Kasenov A.Zh. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON -30, Articles in journals with non-zero impact factor (Scopus/Web of Science) – 24;
Itybayeva G.T. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 8, Articles in journals with non-zero impact factor (Scopus/Web of Science) – 14;
Shumeyko I.A. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 2;
Sapinov R.V. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 4, Articles in journals with non-zero impact factor (Scopus/Web of Science) – 6;
Tusupova S.O. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 6, Articles in journals with non-zero impact factor (Scopus/Web of Science) – 10;
Derevyagin S.I. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 3;
Iskakova D.A. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 2, Articles in journals with non-zero impact factor (Scopus/Web of Science) – 3;
Lub T. L. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 1, Articles in journals with non-zero impact factor (Scopus/Web of Science) – 3;
Bazenov G.M. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 2, Articles in journals with non-zero impact factor (Scopus/Web of Science) – 1;
Kusainov R.B. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 1;
Tkachuk A.A. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 2, Articles in journals with non-zero impact factor (Scopus/Web of Science) – 2;
Miller S.A. - Articles in journals with non-zero impact factor (Scopus/Web of Science) – 1;
Yanushkin A.S. - Articles in journals recommended by KKSON – 21, Articles in journals with non-zero impact factor (Scopus/Web of Science) – 20;
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