International cooperation is one of the priority areas of Toraighyrov University. It includes both research projects and academic mobility of students and teachers, Erasmus+, DEULA-Nienburg programs (

What is academic mobility?

It is an opportunity to study, work (for teachers) or intern in another university in Kazakhstan and abroad, as part of a joint educational or research program of universities, as well as under the academic mobility program.

By taking part in the academic mobility program, you get the opportunity to travel, study for one (1) semester or gain work experience in the best universities around the world. In addition, within the Erasmus+ program, students of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Toraighyrov University have the opportunity to undergo an agricultural internship in the Czech Republic for a period of 90 days, to gain valuable experience from foreign partners.

Academic mobility programs

Academic mobility program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Academic Mobility Program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides an opportunity for students to spend a semester in a foreign university. The ministerial grant includes round-trip airfare, 120 days' accommodation, health insurance and visa costs.

The MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan grant selection competition is held annually from February to April (according to the request of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the competition dates can be changed).


To participate in the competition, you need to:

Submit documents to the International Office (260 office) of Toraighyrov University.

1.Pass the English language test or provide a certificate (IELTS, TOEFL) confirming the level.

2.Based on the submitted documents and test results, the competition committee selects suitable candidates.

3 Every year the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan clarifies the specific requirements for the documents.

Requirements for applicants

1. 2nd-4th year of bachelor's degree;

2.High academic performance (GPA above 3.5);

3.Fluency in a foreign language, confirmed by a certificate (B2 or higher).

List of required documents

1) application form (2 copies);

2) application form;

3) copy of the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) transcript of current academic performance certified by the seal of the university;

5) document confirming the level of foreign language proficiency (the applicant provides one of the following documents):

a) a certificate obtained through international foreign language assessment systems (IELTS, TOEFL), if available;

b) a letter of consent from a foreign university to accept a student with an existing level of foreign language;

c) test result of Kazakhstani higher education institution (Toraighyrov University) (not lower than level B2);

*In case of absence of the document given in point a) or b) the student can take English language test in International Office 2 (260 office).

In order to pass the test it is necessary to submit an application by e-mailing

6) medical certificate (for traveling abroad) in form No. 072/y approved by the Order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2020 No. KR DSM-175/2020 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts No. 21579) (hereinafter - Order No. KR DSM-175/2020);

7) written consent of parents, guardians, legal representatives of the applicant to travel abroad, in case he/she is under the age of eighteen at the time of departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan;

8) a document on family composition, to confirm that the student's family has many children;

9) a document confirming the absence of parents of the student (for the category of students who are orphans or students left without parental care (if any);

10) a document confirming the student's disability.


For submission through the web portal "e-government" applicants submit the above documents.


About Erasmus+ academic mobility program

Erasmus+ is an academic mobility program funded by the European Union. Erasmus+ is an amazing experience that has a positive impact on your CV, professional and academic experience, as well as an opportunity to make friends all over the world, learn new foreign languages or improve your knowledge of existing ones.

The name of the program comes from the Dutch philosopher Erasmus Rotterdam, who, in order to broaden his horizons and gain new knowledge, lived and worked in many European cities. At the same time, the word Erasmus is an acronym that stands for the European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students.


Erasmus+ students are admitted to the program on a competitive basis.

The requirements for applicants are:

1) be a student of at least 2 years of study at the sending university;

2) have a grade point average above a level determined by the university;

3) be proficient in the language of instruction at the host university.

The winner is selected by the sending university.

Study and internship periods range from 3 months to 1 year, up to 2 years in total. Participation in the program is possible only once for the educational program and once for the working internship. Erasmus+ guarantees participants that the time spent abroad will be credited to the university when they return home.

Students do not pay tuition fees to the host university, all costs are covered by the European Union. Most students also receive a scholarship to cover living expenses abroad.

For many European students, participation in the Erasmus+ program is the first opportunity to live and study abroad. As a result, the "Erasmus experience" is known as a cultural phenomenon. It is an opportunity not only to get additional education, but also to network with students from other countries.


List of required documents

1) A copy of the passport of the RK citizen (the passport must be valid for at least three (3) months after the completion of study abroad);

2) transcript of the current academic record, certified by the seal of Toraighyrov University;

3) a document confirming the level of foreign language proficiency (the applicant shall provide one of the following documents):

1. a certificate obtained through international systems for assessing the knowledge of a foreign language, if available (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.);

2. a letter of consent of the foreign university to accept the student with the existing level of the foreign language;

3. test result of the Kazakhstani university (not lower than B2);

4. written consent of parents, guardians, legal representatives of the applicant

to travel abroad, in case he/she has not reached the age of 18 at the moment of

departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan;

5. document on family composition, to confirm that the student's family has many children;

6. a document confirming the absence of parents of the student (for the category of students belonging to orphans or students without parental care);

7. a document confirming the student's disability (if any);

8. Letter of motivation (the letter should contain answers to the questions: why the Erasmus+ program will be able to contribute to the Erasmus+ program; Why am I worthy of the Erasmus+ scholarship? What are my expectations from the program?);

9. Letter of recommendation from the Head of Department with appropriate signatures


Documents should be submitted both in hard copy in folders and electronically, indicating full name, specialty and code, department and contact details of the candidate.


How do I get into the academic mobility program?

Several times during the academic year, usually at the beginning of the academic year, the International Center announces a call for applications for academic mobility programs. In order to apply in time, you should keep an eye on the news.

You can also contact the International Office directly to find out when and for which program you can apply.


What countries and foreign universities does our university cooperate with?

1.         Germany (Deula-Nienburg Center, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Keten; LOGO Alliance);

2.         Poland (Łódź University of Technology, Łódź; Upper Silesian University of Economics named after W. Korphanty, Katowice, Poland);

3.         France (Troyes University of Technology, Troyes; National Laboratory of Metrology and Testing LABORATOIRE NATIONAL DE METROLOGIE ET D'ESSAIS, Paris).

4.         Pakistan (Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad)

5.         Russian Federation (Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky, Omsk; Tomsk State University, Tomsk; National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk)

6.         Czech Republic (Palacky University, Olomouc; CZECH UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCE (Czech University of Natural Sciences, Prague).

7.         Republic of Belarus (Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk; Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University, Minsk)

8.         Turkey (Akdeniz University, Antalya; Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul)

9.         Azerbaijan (Baku Slavic University, Baku)

10.       Bulgaria (Burgas Free University, Burgas)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAO):

- In which year of study can I participate in academic mobility programs?

As a rule, students of the 2-3rd year of study take part in the academic mobility program, because in the first year of study mainly general education subjects are studied, which do not require departure. In the last year of study, however, internship and preparation for the diploma work are required, which makes it impossible to participate in the mobility program.

- What level of English language proficiency is required to study within the framework of academic mobility?

The minimum level of English language proficiency is B2, confirming IELTS, TOEFL certificates, or you can also provide a supporting document of language proficiency obtained at a language school/university.

- Duration of study within the framework of academic mobility?

The duration of the study is at least one academic semester.

- Who finances the study within the framework of academic mobility?

Program funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Erasmus+ program funded by the European Union.


Our contacts:

Aiganym Karibayeva

Head of International Office

internal phone number: 12-05



Nazira Baltabayeva

Specialist of the highest level of qualification of International Office (secondment of scientists abroad)

internal phone number: 12-92



Anara Bektazinova

Specialist of the highest level of qualification of International Office (visa and immigration direction)

internal phone number: 12-92



Saltanat Issakhanova

Specialist of the highest level of qualification of International Office (scientific internships)

Internal phone number: 12-05



Zhibek Khalyk

Specialist of the highest level of qualification of International Office (academic mobility)

Internal phone number: 12-05



Darya Maltseva

Specialist of the highest level of qualification International Office (academic mobility)

Internal phone number: 12-05



 Lomov str.64, 2nd floor, offices: 251, 260


 Social media: @international_tou

 Working hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00-18:00, lunch break - 13:00-14:00