The grand opening of the exhibition “Babalar Murasy” dedicated to the 165th anniversary of the thinker Mashkhur Zhussup Kopeyev and the 130th anniversary of the great figure of Kazakh literature of 20th century, Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov, was held at the Pavlodar Regional Museum of Literature and Art named after Bukhar Zhyrau with the support of the Toraighyrov University.


Pavlodar residents could see personal belongings and manuscripts of famous people.
- Thanks to the support of ToU, the audience got acquainted with a restored book published during Toraighyrov’s lifetime. It’s nice that together with the museum staff we were able to restore this publication. I hope that residents of our region will show interest in this exhibition. You should go to the museum with your children so they can learn more about the history of their native land,” noted the rector of the university, Yerkin Sadykov.

In addition, the descendants of Mashkhur Zhussup Kopeyev and representatives of memorial museums took part in the event.