A scientific and practical conference “Shcherbakty district - history and modernity”  dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Shcherbaktinsky district was held the day before.

The meeting was moderated by the rector of Toraighyrov University, Yerkin Sadykov.
 - I must say that local residents have always been distinguished by their love for work and their native land.  Farmers  who use advanced technologies and truly invest in their business live here.  This is probably why Shcherbaky was and remains one of the most advanced and dynamically developing districts of Pavlodar region.  In honor of the anniversary, together with our colleagues, we were able to hold a scientific and practical conference, discuss the economic state of the region, the situation in the local agricultural industry and issues of preserving historical and cultural heritage.  Thank you to everyone for participating in the conference!  – noted the head of the university.

 Acting akim of  Shcherbakty district Serzhan Imankulov, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Shakhimardan Abilov, university professors, and deputies of the regional maslikhat addressed the audience with a welcoming speech.

 In addition, scientists from Toraighyrov University spoke on this day.

 At the end of the conference, the district akimat awarded the best figures.  The holiday continued with a concert program on the central square of the House of Culture and folk festivities.

 Residents of the area and guests of the holiday tested their strength and dexterity in sports competitions.