Student initiation cerrmony in the style of TOTAL BLACK PARTY  took place at Toraighyrov University.


 - This is probably one of the most long-awaited holidays for every freshman.  This year, the organizers chose the Total Black format, and, importantly, all participants in the meeting supported the stated dress code.  There were songs, dances, a place for creativity  - everything in the best traditions of ToU.  Thanks to all the students of our university for the good mood and creativity!  – noted the rector of the university Yerkin Sadykov.

 New students were treated to competitions, games, interactive activities, gifts from sponsors, and a prize drawing.  It should be noted that the collected funds from the lottery tickets were directed to charity.

 In addition, a live concert for freshmen from the soloists of the Philharmonic and VIA “TOU BAND” was held that evening.