The project of journalists from Toraighyrov University won the international competition "Mediaproduction CAMP "World2you".


Under the supervision of the senior lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences, Journalism and Information Maral Aitmagambetova, students of the Zhur-202 group Anastasia Yersh and Kira Stupak received the highest marks from the jury.

In their work “What Women Are Silent About”, the group highlighted the topic of domestic violence as an acute problem in most countries of Central Asia.  They examined the problem of domestic violence in Kazakhstan on the example of real history, presented statistical data in the regions of the country.

Maral Aitmagambetova noted that the material was created as part of a data journalism course.  According to the teacher, the profession of a journalist is known only in practice.
It is necessary to write materials from the first year, shoot videos and raise acute and topical topics in them.

This project was organized with the support of the Eurasia Foundation under the "Social Innovations in Central Asia" program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).  The "World2you" project is an experience exchange program for journalists from the border regions of Central Asia.
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