Students of Toraighyrov University are doing an internship in Turkey.

Students of the Departments of Tourism and Foreign Philology went on a foreign internship (practice) under an agreement with the Caspian Academy, having previously passed an interview.
- I work as a receptionist at the 5-star PGS Kiriş Resorts (Kemer, Kiriş) and really learned how to work with tourists, solve the problems of vacationers, mastered the booking and check-in program, learned many subtleties in the field of tourism, which I will use in the future  in work in Kazakhstan, - said Dilnur Muratbay, a student majoring in tourism.
Students majoring in tourism Ayaulym Abeldinova and majoring in translation Milena Magzumova are doing an internship in the suburb of Antalya called Göynük, at the Mirada del Mar hotel.  According to the girls, this is an invaluable experience for their future professions and an opportunity to improve their language skills by communicating with native speakers of foreign languages.
As part of an agreement with the Caspian Academy, Toraighyrov University plans to continue sending students to practice.  For more information about internships, contact the International Office.