​​​​​​​Our Achievements

Our achievements

- Credit-modular technology of teaching students and undergraduates has been introduced, preparation for the transition to a competence-based approach of education has been carried out.

- Innovative educational programs related to the needs of the modern labor market have been developed and introduced into the educational process, active cooperation with practice bases has been carried out.

- As part of academic mobility in 2022, Toraighyrov University signed cooperation agreements with 18 universities (Belarus, Russia, Germany, USA, Turkey, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Great Britain). In total, the faculty has 24 agreements on international cooperation.

In 2023, 3 foreign scientists were attracted through the program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Attracting foreign specialists to universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan for teaching" to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: Turkey (1), Czech Republic (1).

Passing a scientific internship for students of postgraduate education. In 2022, 48 postgraduate students