Торайғыров университетінде TEDx форматында "Қазақстан жастары: мемлекеттік тіл саясаты және қоғам" тақырыбында семинар өтті.

Форумға Ғылым және жоғары білім министрлігі Тіл саясаты комитетінің төрағасы Ербол Тілешов, облыс әкімінің орынбасары Айзада Құрманова, сондай-ақ этно өкілдері қатысты.

Тіл саясаты комитеті төрағасының айтуынша, қазақ тілін ғылым тіліне айналдыру мәселесі өзекті болып отыр. Іс-шараның мақсаты - Мемлекет Басшысы Қасым-Жомарт Тоқаевтың ұлттық құрылтайдағы тапсырмаларын іске асыру.



According to the chairman of the committee on language policy, the issue of transforming the Kazakh language into the language of science is becoming urgent. The purpose of the event is to implement the instructions of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at the national Kurultai.

Young scientists from Abai, Akmola, North Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kostanay, East Kazakhstan regions and universities from Astana, student leaders, representatives of local intellectuals, ethnic groups and students were also invited to the event.

- Today our society faces the task of popularizing the state language. Of course, compared to what it was 20-30 years ago, Kazakh has begun to be used much more actively. However, there are still people who are either shy or simply lazy to learn their native language. And we must help them. Firstly, it is necessary to convey to each of our compatriots the importance of learning the state language. Secondly, new approaches are needed in learning Kazakh, perhaps some digital solutions. I have no doubt that young people can become our assistant in this matter. The more young people are engaged with studying and promoting Kazakh, the sooner we will get the result we are striving for,” said the rector of the university, Yerkin Sadykov.

The event was also attended by a professor of the Far East Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University., coordinator of the Japanese University of Tsukuba, Japanese citizen Takashi Ninomiya, who speaks Kazakh.

In addition, there was an open lecture from Erbol Tleshov for students and staff of the university, and a debate platform also functioned.