A roundtable titled "Khalel Argynbaev and the Ethnography of Kazakhstan" was held at the Toraighyrov University, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kh.A. Argynbaev.

The welcoming speech was delivered online by Makpal Argynbaeva, a candidate of philological sciences and associate professor at Al-Farabi KazNU.

The report on "Khalel Argynbaev's Contribution to the Ethnographic Science of Kazakhstan" was prepared by Ernur Rakhimov, PhD, leading researcher at the "History of Kazakhstan" department of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and associate professor at Astana International University.

In addition, scholars from the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Laura Zhusupova, Aslan Azerbaev, and Madi Rakhimov, also presented their reports.